Solar Eclipse in Citrā: The Star of Opportunity

Eclipse Season

Artwork by Alyssa Morang-Pavlock

Eclipse Season: Transcending the Veil of Self-Sovereignty and Relationship Reconciliation

Eclipse season commences with the dark moon (amāvásyā) on Saturday morning in the Vedic constellation of Citrā चित्रा (sidereal Virgo), the Star of Opportunity. For many, the astrological weather has been a blend of magic and resistance. You may feel as if you’re on the edge as we step into a time outside of time, where things aren’t what they seem. This eclipse portal stimulates confrontation with the unknown, encourages discrimination, is ripe for accelerated spiritual growth, and beckons all that has been hidden to the surface—lean in and move towards balance.

This is an important time to introspect. Artistic abilities become heightened as you navigate the fires of transformation. Citrā is the mapmaker who holds the intelligence capable of seeing the actual grand design—making this constellation very artistic, dynamic, and filled with energy. It is symbolized by a bright jewel or pearl and ruled by Tvaṣṭṛ (Viśvakarmā), the divine architect. Tvaṣṭṛ is said to be able to create brilliant and delightful masterpieces out of seemingly nothing at all. The energies associated with this nakshatra have to do with the artist who aims to perfect form and the practice of mediation as a means to open up to one’s true nature.

We’re encouraged here to lean into logical, illumined discrimination or the shade offered through an understanding of the right guidance or support from the correct partner, to choose what we’re creating wisely— in the direction of that which is truly beneficial.

This pressure affects us all equally, regardless of who you are, your status, your preparedness, or your beliefs. Just like a diamond that is formed under pressure, beautiful people are not born that way; they are forged in the fires of deep transformation. You may feel as if you’re being presented with multiple alluring directions. Choose wisely how you’re spending your energy now, as it’s easy to identify with or get lost in form. Resist any urgency to initiate projects, and don’t get lost in chasing the next shiny object in an attempt to fill some void.

You may be feeling restless and emotionally tender. Citrā holds the energy to show you the design of cultivating correct merit—thus, we must act from a place of discipline and responsibility, moving in the direction of illuminating the kind of intelligence that awakens from within. Loosen your grip on the idea that you have control over the outcome of your actions. Move beyond the notions of accomplishment and failure, winning and losing, and understand that significant shifts take time. Slow down, anchor yourself in the inner stillness of your heart, keep your mind open, and surrender to the unknown.

 Leave space for unexpected revelations to step forward and honor the feelings of restlessness, as they are a crucial part of a process that ultimately spurs you to take action where it is necessary. We are moving into a time of action, and you have more time than you think. For many, this will become more apparent after Saturn stations direct in early November.

This new moon is extra potent as it marks the culmination of Pitru-Paksha (fortnight of our ancestors) and the day where the thinning of the veil between worlds reaches its zenith. A profound window of time has opened to connect, honor and feed our ancestors. The first night of the waxing moon also initiates the Vedic holiday of Navarātri, the nine nights of the divine feminine.

We’re entering a time outside of time as we step into the first of our eclipses in the Virgo / Pisces axis, with the dark moon in Citrā (Sidereal Virgo) Saturday morning. As the Sun, Moon and Earth align a shadow arises to birth a special solar eclipse — one which will bare a ring of fire and carry with it an omen of the energies to unfold over the next six months. On October 28th there will be a lunar eclipse in the constellation Aśvinī (Aries), which offers a quick reveal and instant exposure to hidden truths.

This two week period calls forward the potential of the healing and lessons available to us within this eighteen month container, ending on October 31st, when the nodes shift out of the Aries / Libra axis. The fine tuning point between self and other — anchoring into and committing fully to self sovereignty and radical self love, while practicing the grace of presence and participation within this co-created dream.

Eclipses invoke positive change and transformation wherever they land in your chart. For more personalized, in-depth guidance on how to navigate this transformative eclipse season, please visit Jyotish Consultations to schedule a private consultation. All my Relations.

“Ground yourself, strip yourself down, 

To blind loving silence.

Stay there, until you see

You are gazing at the Light

With its own ageless eyes”

~ Jalāl al-Dīn Rūmī

Millennial Magazine Article

Full Moon in Uttara Bhādrapadā: The Warrior Star


Artwork by Mysic Mamma

September’s full moon aligns in the pre-dawn hours on Friday, the 29th, in the Vedic Lunar constellation of Uttara Bhādrapadā उत्तरभद्रपदा (sidereal Pisces), the Warrior Star. As the days grow shorter, this bright moon initiates the sacred fortnight of our ancestors called Pitru Paksha, where the veil between this world and the next begins to wane, and life and death are celebrated.

As the veil begins to grow thin, I’ve been contemplating that Sufi saying, ‘only the one who dies truly lives’ and the thought that perhaps life and death are really two sides of the same coin. This is a powerful and activated full moon for transformation, connecting with those who have moved beyond and to cultivate a firm foundation in life. 

This lunar mansion is symbolized by the back of a funeral cot and is connected to fertility of both earth and sky, excavating the unconscious, harmonizing the universal mind, gaining wisdom through experience, humility and self-sacrifice.

We're now on the other side of Venus and Mercury turning direct. Within, there's a churning that stirs a desire for balance — a balance gained through stabilizing all that you’ve been learning over these past couple of months, and it's now beginning to land. This balance is born from the kind of tapasya or fire, represented by the act of giving away something in order to gain something more valuable. It's a fire that rises up to generate and rain down merit, ultimately creating a strong foundation. What will be your giveaway offering?

The astrological weather has been somewhat turbulent of late, and our relationship with time may have felt altered. You might sense the pressure continuing to build, as if delays persistently challenge your forward movement. The current energies are calling for you to loosen your grip and surrender to the process rather than giving up entirely or pushing your own agenda. Do your best to stay grounded during this full moon, consider incorporating extra movement, yoga, and meditation for support. Understand that things will unfold in their own time. Maintain a neutral stance and cultivate a compassionate heart.

For more personalized, in-depth guidance on how you can navigate the current celestial waters, please visit Jyotish Consultations to schedule a private reading. All my Relations

“Write all that worries you on a piece of parchment;
 Offer it to God 

Even from the distance
 of a millennium I can lean the flame in my heart
 Into your life
 And turn
 All that frightens you
 Into holy Incense Ash." 


Brene brown // “Vulnerability is not winning or losing; it's having the courage to show up and be seen when we have no control over the outcome. Vulnerability is not weakness; it's our greatest measure of courage. A lot of cheap seats in the arena are filled with people who never venture onto the floor.”

New Moon in Uttaraphalgunī: Star of Patronage


Shiva and Parvati 19th Century Pahari

Weaving New pathways: Evaluation and Choice  

The New Moon of September graces us, aligning both the sun and moon in the Vedic lunar mansion of Uttaraphalgunī उत्तरफल्गुनी (Leo), just before sunset on Thursday, September 14th. This lunation cycle beckons practical new beginnings, promising prosperity and gains through various unions and partnerships, all rooted in authentic heart offerings.

The star of Patronage awakens the power of wealth and accumulation through partnerships or marriage. It's worth noting that the subtle impulses of your intuition are reawakening, as Mercury stations direct midday on the 15th. Planets in direct motion amplify the qualities of that graha, and during this time, we often find ourselves reconsidering our decisions.

Over the past few weeks, there may have been some churning and friction within the container of our current partnerships, contracts, or relationships with significant others. A need for a new direction has become evident, and the potential for a more aligned path has been revealed. This New Moon offers us a conscious opportunity to set into motion all that we've learned during the recent retrograde cycle.

The cards have been reshuffled, and soul contracts ripe for fruition have moved to the forefront. Some of us might be hesitant to release our current agreements and embrace this higher calling. This shift in awareness may feel sentimental, as we've invested our hearts into our current familiar situations. Yet, a part of us knows that to gain what we truly desire, we must be willing to release what we think we have. The courage required of us now is to stay connected to our true selves, leading with our whole, authentic hearts.

Ultimately, as we untangle ourselves from unaligned situations incapable of co-creating our dreams, a doorway opens, revealing a new path forward. On this path, we can weave the blessings of this cycle and shed toxic patterns and habits. The choice is presented to pivot and sow our seeds in fertile soil, ready to bear the fruits we've longed for—an aligned union based on reciprocity, clear communion, and collaboration towards a higher offering. All my relations

For my full blog post and If you could use assistance in navigating the current transits, please visit Jyotish Consultations to book a private reading. Know that I’m here to support you. All my relations

"The meaning of life is to find your gift. The purpose of life is to give it away." - Pablo Picasso

Jupiter Retrograde: Transformation and Regeneration

Jupiter Stations Retrograde

We’re being churned by the many planetary shifts happening this month, including Jupiter stationing retrograde this afternoon in Bharaṇī भरणी (Sidereal Aries), The Star of Restraint. The retrograde motion of Jupiter beckons a profound four-month period of inner transformation and regeneration, centered around our connections with knowledge, teachers, children, health, healing, leadership, expansion, and personal growth.

As I immerse myself in the energies of Bharaṇī, a timeless Sufi adage comes to mind: ‘You must die before you die.’ Indeed, genuine rebirth necessitates a willingness to let go of preconceived notions about ourselves — a voluntary surrender of our egoic identities.

Birth and death are intertwined facets of existence; when in harmonious equilibrium, the soul embraces the waves of evolution with serenity. Conversely, disharmony leads to confrontation. This phase invites us to reflect, review, redefine, and reconstruct. While guarding against excesses, our creative faculties may experience invigoration. A heightened yearning for inner transformation and spiritual elevation emerges.⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀

Bharaṇī emanates the shakti to endure, purify, and dispel impurities. The present juncture offers fertile ground for nurturing nascent plans and concepts. Embracing diligence, discipline, and self-control, we pave our pathways towards cherished aspirations.

A timeless insight from Nisargadatta Maharaj echoes: 'Pain resides in the physical realm; suffering takes root in the mind. Beyond the confines of the mind, suffering ceases to exist. Pain remains indispensable for the body's preservation, yet suffering remains optional. It signifies our reluctance to evolve, to flow harmoniously with life’s currents.'

Curious what bout this means for you personally? Know that I do offer private one on one consultations, which you can book directly from the link in my bio. All my Relations

Venus Direct: Alchemical Transformation

Venus Direct

As Śukra (Venus) stations direct this evening in Āśleṣā (sidereal cancer) we’re being called forward to distill, assimilate, and integrate all that has become untangled and stirred within this cycles initiation of the heart.

Many have been preoccupied, immersing themselves in profound emotional and mental processes. This right of passage beckoned us to traverse the landscapes of relationships, creativity, finances, and the enduring patterns that trace their delicate threads through the tapestry of our lives.

Āśleṣā, the Clinging Star represents the coiled energy that sits dormant at the base of the spine, which yearns to merge with its beloved in the crown, and enlivens the curiosity to investigate deeper, to unite with one’s desired outcome. Take this time to pause, listen a little deeper and continue to gather more information.

This quest draws us to embrace balance between good and bad — the dance of our lower nature that must be won over before we can attune to our higher power. As Venus begins to gain momentum, we revisit lessons from the past few weeks around alchemical transofmration leading to sovereign mastery within the realm of Māgha. 

This kind of transmutation, which turns poison into medicine, very much relates to the shadow energies entwined within our ego — awaiting to be acknowledged and thus subdued, for the throne of authority to be achieved. As this chapter quietly concludes, the resonance of these insights lingers, guiding us to recalibrate and weave the narrative anew.  Embrace this juncture with poised awareness and tread lightly through the aftermath of Mercury stationing direct on September 14.

Experience a private consultation to harness cosmic insights. Explore relationships, creativity, and finances, weaving wisdom into your journey. Book now to uncover your personal cosmic guidance: Jyotish Consultations with 20% off through 9/6 with code LABORDAY20 at checkout.

Mercury Retrograde in Uttara Phālgunī

Mercury Retrograde

Mercury Retrograde in Uttara Phālgunī

August 23 - September 14

In the current celestial landscape, Mercury, the harbinger of communication and intelligence, enters a retrograde phase that takes place within the nurturing boundaries of Uttara Phālgunī (sidereal Leo). This alignment imbues our quicksilver mental faculties with a slowed cadence, beckoning us into a state of refined contemplation.

Uttara Phālgunī is known as the 'Star of Patronage,' a celestial body deeply associated with benevolence, guardianship, and mutual care. These retrograde periods are less an obstacle course and more an invitation to reflection and action. Under its auspices, Mercury's retrograde provides an opportune frame for re-evaluating the dimensions of our commitments and responsibilities.

Within this cosmic environment, the rapid-fire faculties governed by Mercury—communication, trade, intellectual pursuits—take a measured pace. It's a temporal sphere where haste is less regarded than the quality of deliberation, giving us pause to think not just about the messages we send, but also the underlying ethics of our intentions and actions.

This period calls for a nuanced understanding of interdependence, a foundational principle and core tenet associated with the influence of Uttara Phālgunī. It encourages us to recalibrate the scales of give and take, to assess whether our personal and professional patronages are aligned with our deepest convictions. Through this churning, Mercury subtly instructs us in the virtues of a balanced, neutral perspective.

Given the reflective mood set by this celestial alignment, now would also be a propitious time to dust off old projects and rekindle efforts that align with these patronly virtues, revisiting them with a newly balanced perspective.

During this retrograde phase, one would do well to engage in a focused introspection to refine one's roles and responsibilities as both benefactor and beneficiary. The goal is to emerge with a matured sense of stewardship, capable of navigating life's complexities with equanimity and grace.

David Loy // “One meaning of freedom is the opportunity to act out the story I identify with. Another freedom is the ability to change stories and my role within them.”

New Moon in Āśleṣā: The Clinging Star


Drinking from the Chalice: Alchemical Transformation

The dark moon early morning on August 16th awakens the primordial, serpent energy, bound within the Vedic Lunar mansion of Āśleṣā आश्लेषा (Sidereal Cancer), The Clinging Star. Just like the coiled energy that sits dormant at the base of the spine, which yearns to merge with its beloved in the crown, Āśleṣā enlivens the curiosity to investigate deeper, to unite with one’s desired outcome.

The energies of this new moon are entwined with retrograde Venus, which, having relinquished its reign as the evening star, now steps behind the sun, poised to reappear in the week ahead as the morning star. Many have been preoccupied, immersing themselves in profound emotional and mental processes, skillfully untangling and navigating the intensified currents stirred by the heart's initiation within this cycle. A substantial recalibration, particularly centered around relationship, finds us immersed in the essence of a deeply brewed alchemical metamorphosis.

A quest that compels us to embrace balance between the virtues and vices — the intricate tapestry of our primal inclinations that demands conquest before we can attune to our higher dominion. This alchemical transmutation, ingeniously converting venom into elixir, intricately interlaces with the enigmatic energies concealed within our ego, yearning for acknowledgment and ultimate subjugation, paving the way for the ascension to the throne of sovereign mastery.

What are you ready to shed, like a serpent casting its skin? Your intuition is sharpened now. Elevate yourself beyond emotional reactions. Employ strategy and goal orientation, all while tempering your agendas. Consistency, patience, and discipline will be your allies in realizing your treasured ambitions. You’re not alone on this earth walk — we’re birthing through this right of passage together. In the spirit of interconnectedness, All my Relations.

For more in depth, personalized guidance on how to align with the current planetary cycle, please visit the link in my bio to book a consultation. Love all ways

“Enlightenment is intimacy with all things.”

- Dogen Zenji

New Moon in Punarvasu: The Star of Renewal


The sun and moon align for July’s dark moon on today at 20:32 (Spain) 11:32am PST in the Vedic lunar mansion of Punarvasu पुनर्वसु, (sidereal Cancer), the Star of Renewal. This nakshatra is symbolized by a quiver of arrows, holds the power to bestow prosperity and represents the light that returns after a storm. 

There is a feeling in the air that energy and resources are now at your command. A sense of hope around creating lasting stability and a new beginning is forged around how we nurture and take care of ourselves. An initiation of the heart steps forward as Venus stations retrograde and provokes interpersonal shadow work. 

The pulse for this month encourages integration of wisdom through experience and revitalization of mind, family, and security. Arrows are associated with movement and encourage us to strive, or move towards our objective. An opportunity for up-leveling is available. These particular arrows are thought to be magical, once released and the objective has been obtained, they circle back around. Just like that, this renewal of energy brings with it hope for a second chance and leaves the impression of a positive transformation from darkness to light.

You may be feeling a little restless, as if you’re taking two steps forward and four steps back and thirsty to move to the next phase. Just like nature appears to be more refreshed and harmonious after a storm, this new moon brings with it a breath of fresh air — a renewal of sorts. You may feel called to amp your energy up to the next level. If you choose to pick up the pace, know that it’s easy to lose perspective and awareness when gaining momentum.

Stay one pointed with your focus on your priorities. Release that which is distracting you from your desired destination and make sure you’re ready to commit fully to whatever you’re choosing. Move one step at a time, and keep your action steps and goals to yourself. Stay present, expand your awareness, and keep the big picture perspective. Don’t compromise your long term visions for the quickening of your current process. Stabilize into your purpose, ground your emotions and tend towards family and relationship healing.

As we continue to move through a collective course correction, matters of the heart step front and center. A new tune plays as Shukra (Venus), the planet of union, creativity, love, and affection, retrogrades in the constellation of Magha (sidereal Cancer) July 22nd through September 3rd. Do your best to stay open and as a witness to what is coming forward to be learned and healed around relationship. Track a little deeper and take your time to navigate matters of the heart.

With the New Moon, many set their intentions for the month. Contrary to popular belief, did you know that the most ideal time to set intentions is 24 hours AFTER the new moon? That's when the energy has begun to build up more momentum. What self care practices are you looking to commit to with this powerful energy of renewal?


Today marks the beginning of a special month in the Hindu calendar that occurs approximately every three years, known as Adhika-māsa or Purushottam māsa. This intercalary month holds great significance as it serves to reconcile and equalize the difference between the lunar and solar calendars.

In a typical Hindu lunar calendar, twelve months are calculated based on the phases of the moon, known as tithis, spanning approximately 354 days. This is referred to as the synodic year. On the other hand, the modern solar year is around 365 days long due to Earth's orbit around the sun. Have you ever considered that the sun moves one degree per day and that there is 360 degrees in a circle? (for more information, check out my article on the difference between Vedic and Western astrology and the 360-day solar year).

This additional month carries a unique spiritual significance and is considered prosperous, offering us an opportunity to deepen our spiritual practices. According to legend, it is believed that any recalibration to oneself is amplified during this auspicious month. Aligning with the new moon in Purnarvasu (Cancer), it becomes a beautiful month to focus on self-care, calibration, nourishment, and attuning with our spiritual sādhanā (practices).

To book a private consultation and talk about what the current planetary alignment means for YOU please visit Vedic Astrology Consultations. All my relations

Toko-pa-Turner // “To be baffled and obstructed is what engages creativity. This is the practice of poets, dreamers, and artists alike: to show up at the frontiers of uncertainty where we are met by ten thousand things. We practice there, on the verge, amateur and unprepared, at being friendly - or at least willing - towards the discomforts of our confusions. As Rumi says, ‘Sell your cleverness and buy bewilderment!’ 

Full Moon in Pūrvāṣāḍhā: The Invincible Star


The brightest full moon of the year will grace the constellation of Pūrvāṣāḍhā पूर्वाषाढा (sidereal Sagittarius), the Invincible Star, on Monday, July 3rd (4:35 am PDT/13:39 Spain). This lunar mansion, ruled by the deified water goddess, Apah, symbolizes the zenith of Venusian energy and holds the power to invigorate and energize one's life.

Pūrvāṣāḍhā and the Purifying Power of Water

Besides the life-giving and nurturing qualities of water, Pūrvāṣāḍhā is also associated with the purification of impurities and diseases. The water goddess is said to cleanse everything that is impure. Through the confrontation with one's own shadow, purification becomes possible. This renewal brings about rejuvenation, which sustains, energizes, and encourages growth.

Navigating Pressures and Embracing Vulnerability

Recent increased pressures have likely commanded your full attention and perhaps spurred a strong desire to improve your circumstances. This energy has required you to remain solid and strong in the face of all that has been asked of you. Perhaps there’s another area in your life that you’ve been slowly pushed towards, and it is now requesting a more intimate, vulnerable side of you to come forward.

A Time for Conscious Surrender and Change

This is not the time to give up, but rather to consciously surrender and participate with the flow of what is being given to you. Perhaps the very thing you are resisting is what you need most. Change is at the forefront. What toxins in your life need to be transmuted into a healing experience?

Inner Transformation and Healing

Participate in these changes and go through that inner transformation, that emotional difficulty that you may have been avoiding, so you can emerge on the other side where something powerful can be born out of the process. This healing has the potential to manifest as a victory which cannot be subdued and one that is worthy of the effort required.

Stepping Into Authenticity and Learning From Resistance

Tend to the evolution of your consciousness. Be willing to cleanse and shed that which distracts you from your purpose, and step fully into your authenticity. Stay curious — what are you resisting that nature is trying to teach you in this moment? Our responsibility is to do the inner work, to be willing to surrender the ego, step into vulnerability, and ultimately into the heart. Have the courage to do the hard things, and you might just surprise yourself.

Guru Purnima - Honoring the Guiding Light

The radiance of this bright moon will awaken the sacred occasion of Guru Pūrṇimā, where we honor the embodiment of grace and knowledge that illuminates our path and dispels darkness. Just as the first rays of the rising sun dispel the darkness of night, let us pay homage to the guiding light that removes the veils of ignorance and leads us towards self-realization.

All my Relations

Embark on Your Astrological Journey

If you could use some assistance in navigating what this means for you personally, please visit the link in my bio to book a private consultation. I’m delighted to offer 20% off of the first three readings booked using code SUMMERVIBES at Vedic Astrology Consultations when purchased by 7/7. All my relations 

Pierre Teilhard de Chardin // “Remain true to yourself, but move ever upward toward greater consciousness and greater love! At the summit you will find yourselves united with all those who, from every direction, have made the same ascent. For everything that rises must converge.”

The Cosmic Dance of the Sun - Welcome to Gemini Season

Artwork by Chaya Collective

What if I were to propose that, from an astronomical standpoint, we are, in fact, in Gemini season? An astronomical decree that challenges the common narrative and invites a new perspective.

Vedic Astrology and the Summer Solstice

In the sacred realm of Vedic Astrology, an ancient oracle that speaks through the enduring positions of the stars, the Sun’s annual dance from June 15th to July 16th is actually dressed in Gemini’s ethereal attire. The day on which the Sun transits from Gemini to Cancer signifies the Vedic Summer Solstice, an alternative truth that may stir your inner knowing.

Mercury in Gemini – The Cosmic Weaver's Waltz

On June 24th, Mercury (Budha), the cosmic weaver of communication, the bard of speech, and the patron of technology, chose to waltz with Gemini, embarking on a month-long sojourn in this dynamic sign. Anticipate a season of refined discourse, precision in thought, flavored with an element of playfulness. 

Celestial Alignment and Its Influence on Communication⠀⠀⠀

This celestial alignment signifies a time when ideas, akin to radiant celestial bodies, bask in newfound luminosity. You can expect communication to become both purposeful and dynamic, embodying the keen intelligence of Mercury and Gemini's mutable agility.

Unleashing Creative Expression and Dialogue⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀

This transit awakens our latent capacity for effective dialogue and creative expression. Therefore, it's the ideal season to immerse yourself in writing, public speaking, or partake in any endeavor that allows your words to dance. Immerse yourself in this energy and witness your words illuminate the universe with profound depth and exquisite articulation.

Embark on Your Astrological Journey

Intrigued by this ancient technology of Vedic astrology? Ready to explore the depths of your unique celestial map? Schedule your personal astrology reading with me today via the link in my bio and discover the magic written in the stars. 

New Moon in Mṛgaśirā: The Searching Star


Artwork: @chaya.collective

The dark moon on June 17th (20:40 pst) aligns both the sun and moon in the Vedic lunar mansion of Mṛgaśirā मृगशिरा (sidereal Gemini), the Searching Star.

Your soul prompts an inner quest, an urge to track something higher — a belief system you can stand on and a deeper sense of belonging. Some aspects of your life are being dismantled, while others are being revealed. Surrender to the process. The unease you may currently be experiencing is often an initiation, preparing you for what comes next.

In the face of what may feel like crumbling stability and the emergence of something new, we strive to protect and preserve the integrity of this fresh beginning or relationship. Despite increased pressure and a sense of limited resources, it is essential to detach ourselves and take a step back. By doing so, we can gain a clearer perspective and discover that the answers we seek may be closer than we realize.

Rather than grasping or diligently searching for answers, if we allow ourselves emotional distance — even if it seems impossible — this will allow the answers to unfold organically. Reconnecting with someone from the past or reconsidering previously dismissed options can offer unexpected resolutions. When we let go of immense attachment and open our eyes, we may find the answers we've been seeking right in front of us.

Saturn Retrograde

Image: Pinterest - Bhupendra

Shani, son of Surya Dev, is often depicted as a dark figure seated on a crow — the planet of restriction and duty, embodiment of justice, and giver of longevity, known as the keeper of time. From June 17th to November 4th, Saturn begins its annual retrograde motion.

As Saturn stations retrograde in Śatabhiṣā (sidereal Aquarius), our attention becomes preoccupied with reviewing our values, life direction, and leaning into our personal truths.  Saturn's retrograde period offers an opportunity to reevaluate our sense of responsibility and examine unconscious patterns that may have been left on repeat. It presents a miraculous chance to accelerate our consciousness and elevate our growth. Clinging to old ways, no matter how comfortable they may feel in the moment, will eventually lead us to be swept away by the strong current.

During Saturn retrograde, we are encouraged to reassess our long-term goals connected to the house where Aquarius falls in our birth chart. Aligned with Aquarius ruling the natural 11th house, it prompts us to refine our social networks and connections. Embrace those who  light you up, foster genuine connections, and share  share like-mindedness. Surround yourself with individuals who encourage, welcome, and support your authentic self and personal growth. Simultaneously, this period may unveil the necessity of releasing toxic connections that no longer serve your well-being.

On October 14th, Shani returns to the Vedic lunar mansion of Dhaniṣṭha, where he has been casting his gaze on and off for the past year and a half, initiating a do-over in some area of our life.

If you seek personal guidance on what this means for you, please visit Vedic Astrology private consultation. With Love All Ways

- All my Relations -

"I believe in all that has never yet been spoken. I want to free what waits within me so that what no one has dared to wish for may for once spring clear without my contriving. 

If this is arrogant, God, forgive me, but this is what I need to say. May what I do flow from me like a river, no forcing and no holding back, the way it is with children. Then in these swelling and ebbing currents, these deepening tides moving out, returning, I will sing you as no one ever has, streaming through widening channels into the open sea."


Full Moon in Jyeṣṭhā: The Elder Star


19th Century Indra - Pinterest

The bright moon reaches it’s zenith on the evening of June 3rd (8:40pm pdt) in the Vedic lunar mansion of Jyeṣṭhā ज्येष्ठा (sidereal Scorpio), the Elder Star. This constellation stands at the pinnacle of material success, shines as the 14th brightest star in the sky, Antares, is symbolized by a protective amulet, awakens the power to conquer the subconscious, and asks us to step up as an authority and commit to our responsibilities.

The new moon in Kṛttikā (Sidereal Taurus) initiated a transformative lunation cycle, inviting us to embark on a journey of soul purification. You’ve been encouraged to pivot inwards and sit with all that is moving through you. To sit in the fire with all the discomforts, resistance, false beliefs, anticipations, illusions, and walls you’ve build up against embodying your truth. Don’t bypass this opportunity for growth becomes its too uncomfortable. Observe the story as it continues to unfold. Ground down and rest in the spacious awareness of your being and welcome these fiery energies to in turn dissolve all that is not contributing to your life. This course correction and pivot will help you to become more stabilized.

As we emerge from the shadow period of Mercury Retrograde a newfound clarity takes hold — continue to digest and stabilize the energies from eclipse season. Hidden truths are illuminated, and our hearts and minds may experience reversals. Forward momentum on projects awakens results on the material plane, especailly after the new moon on the 17th. Communication becomes activated and a desire to share our findings from this period of introspection.

Jyeṣṭhā prospers through the right use of natural law and invites us to lean into our spiritual practices, occult knowledge, intuition and prayer to ground down and stabilize. What responsibilities are coming forward that seek your commitment?

For deeper clarification on what this means for you personally and how to navigate the current energies with more ease and grace, please visit Vedic Astrology Consultations book a private reading. Know that I am here to support you during these unprecedented times.

Love All Ways

“You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.”

― Buckminster Fuller

New Moon in Kṛttikā: Star of Fire


Artwork by Mystic Mamma

Unlocking Growth through the Celestial Fire of Kṛttikā

As the celestial fire of Kṛttikā, known as the Pleiades, dances in the night sky, it offers us an opportunity to tap into its potent energy, empowering us for our personal and collective development.

The arrival of the exalted new moon in Kṛttikā कृत्तिका (sidereal Taurus) on Friday morning, signals a time of initiation and renewal. Just as fire has the power to burn away the old and make space for the new, this lunar mansion invites us to shed our limitations and embrace the fiery essence within us.

In Vedic astrology, Kṛttikā is associated with Lord Murugan, the God of War, who wields a spear and rides a peacock, symbolizing courage, strength, and transformation. It is said that when we align ourselves with the energy of Kṛttikā, we awaken our inner warrior and tap into our hidden potential.

The Star of Fire serves as a reminder that growth often requires us to break through barriers and step out of our comfort zones. It urges us to embrace change, challenge our limiting beliefs, and embark on a journey of self-discovery. The blade symbolizes the cutting away of what no longer serves us, making space for new beginnings and expansion.

As we bask in the radiance of the exalted new moon in Kṛttikā, we can harness its transformative energy to fuel our ambitions, ignite our passions, and unlock the doors to growth. It is a time to set powerful intentions, visualize our desired outcomes, and take bold steps towards realizing our dreams.

In this article, we will delve deeper into the celestial significance of Kṛttikā and explore practical ways to tap into its fiery energy. By understanding the essence of this lunar mansion and aligning ourselves with the energies it awakens, we can unlock our full potential and embark on a journey of growth, empowerment, and self-realization.

The Illuminating Eclipse Season:

The recent eclipse season shed light on hidden aspects of our lives, and Kṛttikā awakens the precision required to pierce deeper into any lingering burdens we carry and the power to ignite their transformative release. As Mercury stations direct, it is wise to gather more information over the coming weeks until we move beyond the lingering effects of Mercury's shadow period.

The Flame of Transformation:

Kṛttikā embodies the ability to purify and incinerate the old self, paving the way for the emergence of the new. This profound transformation is facilitated by Agni, the god of fire, who governs over this celestial constellation. Many of us may be experiencing pressure and discomfort in some area of our lives, serving as catalysts for necessary shifts and personal growth.

The Dual Nature of Fire:

In the realm of transformation, the very flames that ignite and consume have the power to convert experience into wisdom and nourishment into vital energy. Symbolizing the essence of this nakṣatra, the Goat gracefully gathers, consumes, and stores, only to later resurface and digest all that it has taken in. As we embark on this new cycle, the horizon beckons the imminent arrival of illumination, urging us to confront profound truths that lie within ourselves and along our paths.

Embracing the Fires of Purification:

Purification, although not always easy or comfortable, is the inherent energy that provokes growth and transformation. We often remain oblivious to our shadows until we begin to amplify our inner light. By increasing our inner radiance, our shadows loosen and begin to dissolve. Though this process may appear to be challenging, it is essential to recognize that any symptoms or discomfort we experience, signify that purification has already taken place.

Tending to the Inner Fire:

Nurturing our inner fire requires the infusion of kindness, consistency, and steadfastness within the container of our practices. By tending to our agni and keeping it strong, we not only have the capacity to digest the food we consume but also transmute our sensory experiences into embodied wisdom. Engaging in mindful practice allows us to stabilize our self-experience, paving the way for a deeper understanding of the self that emerges from within, flows through us, and is embraced by the self.

To harness the full potential of the potent energies associated with Kṛttikā, this particular cycle presents a favorable environment for optimizing and expanding your yoga or martial arts practices. Moreover, it offers a perfect opportunity to declutter and release any remnants of the past, creating ample space for a fresh start and embracing a clean slate

Śani Jayantī: Honoring the great Timekeeper

The day preceding this new moon holds a special significance in the Vedic calendar (Śani Jayantī), as it commemorates the birth of Lord Saturn. Saturn, often referred to as the great task-master, giver of longevity, and the embodiment of justice, is the brother of Yama Dev (lord of death) and was conceived from the radiant light of the Sun and his shadowy consort, Chhaya Devi. 

His presence in our lives can manifest as a force that slows us down, humbles us, and may seemingly bring an unceasing succession of challenges and sorrows. Despite the difficulty inherent in Saturn's teachings, embracing his influence can also bestow upon us maturity, spiritual resilience, and the ability to reign over vast domains when we manage to appease him. Śani may manifest as delays along our path; however, he never denies. When he gives, he bestows everything abundantly.

If you’re currently running a cycle (daśā or sub daśā) of Saturn, sāḍēsātī (seven 1/2 year transit) or are experiencing the influence of Saturn holding back your progress in life, you would experience immense benefit in observing a fast (from technology, food or choosing to take the slower approach / route) on this day (5/18 9:14 a.m. — 5/19 9:54 a.m. PDT). By honoring a fast on the day preceding this transformative new moon, it is believed that you can invite Saturn's blessings and positive effects into your life.

Confronting Vulnerability for Transformation:

Consider embracing vulnerability and delving deeper within yourself. It is through this process that truth emerges, shedding light on our journeys while simultaneously severing ties with anything hindering our progress.

The power of Kṛttikā during this spring season calls us to embark on a journey of purification and personal transformation. As Bob Marley wisely noted, "None but ourselves can free our minds." To explore the deeper implications of this cosmic alignment on a personal level, I invite you to book a private consultation at Vedic Astrology. May you journey onward, evermore connected to all of your relations and your true self.

Lunar Eclipse in Viśākhā: Star of Purpose

Paradigm Shift: Balancing the Split between Self and Other

Artwork by Mystic Mamma

Eclipse season is in full effect, and the lunar eclipse and full moon tomorrow morning in the Vedic lunar mansion of Viśākhā (sidereal Libra) brings the opportunity for a powerful paradigm shift. Lunar eclipses occur when either of the lunar nodes accompany the full moon, offering an instant exposure to truths that have been hidden beneath the surface. This eclipse season is a crossroads of sorts, setting changes in motion for the next six months to come. What revelations are being brought to light for you?

Symbolism and Meanings

Viśākhā, the Star of Purpose, is symbolized by a triumphal arch and means two-branched. This implies being presented with two different paths, and the star is ruled by two deities — Indra, the king of the gods and storms, and Agni, the god of fire. Like this constellations animal totem, the Tiger, Viśākhā invokes the shakti of devotion, ambition, and courage to achieve many goals and the ability to clean out the old and build something new.

Recent revelations will soon give birth to forward momentum — its essential to recognize that there is much work to be done. Keep your motivations in check and directed towards the highest good for all involved. This next month can be defined by the goals we set for ourselves. Libra, the sign of peace and balance, is requesting that we focus our attention on building and maintaining balance. Relationship healing will reap the harvest of this focused effort.

Navigating Eclipse Season

Shifting narratives, heightened emotions, uncertainty, and building intensity require inward attention and one-pointed focus on grounding. Keep life simple during the eclipse hours (8:14 a.m.-12:31 p.m. PDT). The ancients held this portal as a sacred time to tune into one's divinity, which is why they tended to eclipses with care and attention, consuming less both physically and mentally to keep their channels clear. Fasting, meditation, being indoors and even bathing during this time are recommended practices to optimize this shift. This is an important time to recalibrate and look into yourself. What familiar holding patterns are you ready to transcend?

If you could use assistance in navigating these energies of major transition, please visit Vedic Astrology to book a consultation. I have a few openings over the next couple of weeks before taking some time off to travel. I'm delighted to offer 15% off when purchased by May 15th with code: BLOSSOM23 at checkout.

“If you want to become whole, let yourself be partial. If you want to become straight, let yourself be crooked. If you want to become full, let yourself be empty. If you want to be reborn, let yourself die. If you want to be given everything, give everything up.” ~ Lao Tzu

Solar Eclipse in Aśvini: Star of Transport

Solar Eclipse

Artist Unknown

Eclipse season commences with the new moon (amāvásyā) Wednesday night in the Vedic constellation of Aśvinī अश्विनी (sidereal Aries), the Star of Transport. You may feel as if you’re on the edge as we step into a time outside of time, where things aren’t what they seem. This eclipse portal stimulates confrontation with the unknown, encourages rejuvenation, is ripe for accelerated spiritual growth and beckons all that has been hidden to be brought to the surface — lean in and move towards balance.

 Aśvinī is the first of twenty-seven constellations in the sidereal zodiac, is symbolized by the head of a horse, ruled by the Aśvinī Kumaras, the celestial doctors to the Gods and is the storehouse of all creative potential, which currently lays dormant. Like the horse, this lunar mansion is eager to begin the journey, express its ideas and with a swiftness in approach. We can learn from a practice used with race horses, where blinders are put on to avoid the horse from getting distracted by what’s happening on either side of them and to prevent a miss step— reminding us to stay present, not minding what anyone else thinks and remaining with a one-pointed focus on whatever is before us.

This is an important time to see into yourself. Resist any urgency to initiate projects of all kinds. Remember you’re not in charge of the outcome — loosen your grip a little and surrender into the unknown. Slow down and anchor into your inner stillness, keep your mind open and allow the eclipses to have their way with you. Welcome the rising friction to stir up duality and purify that which is no longer needed — a process which ultimately stabilizes self knowledge. Take your time with decisions — wait until the end of May, beginning of June to forge ahead. We’re moving into a time of action and you have more time than you think.

The 21st of April offers great energetic change as Mercury stations retrograde in Aries, and Jupiter shifts from Pisces to Aries, initiating a new twelve year cycle. Jupiter in Gandanta (karmic knot between water and fire signs) brings more uncertainty, a feeling of things being out of control (keep on eye on the weather), which may lead to a celestial healing of sorts — especially with the financial markets. Reflect on whats being revealed and notice what needs to untangle in your life. There may be similar themes from the energies in 2011 (take a moment to reflect on the timing).

We’re bing encouraged to circle around with projects placed on the back burner — specifically around health and healing. Backup your computers, leave extra time for traveling, slow down your speech and be mindful of the way in which you communicate and respond. Notice what's being exposed over these next few weeks. Be aware of increased impulsivity and do your best to keep life simple, to stay grounded and rested. Avoid traveling and major changes on this day and around the eclipses, if possible. Expect the unexpected.

The sun and moon are both exalted on April 22, which is one of the most auspicious festivals in the Vedic calendar, known as Akshaya Tritiya — the day of lasting achievements. It is said that any life supporting action done on this day is multiplied a thousand times. Since it’s not the best day for new beginnings, due to the current transits, this would be a beautiful day to offer a donation or be of service to someone in need. All My Relations

If you could use some assistance in navigating what this means for you personally, please visit Vedic Astrology to book private consultation. Love All Ways

The solar eclipse will occur from 6:37 p.m. to 9:56 p.m. PST on April 19th.

"In order to establish order, disorder has to be shaken; and for shaking to remain under control, we who are at the basis, at the level of Para, have to be Para – that is, unreachable by the surface turmoil. In that integrated state, the fast moving chaos and change will pass away in a steady manner.

So, we have to be very steady. We have to be very careful not to get upset by little or big things. If we lose our basis, our dignity, the phase transition will take much longer.

Don't give importance to things which may upset us. This is a very precious time for the world. Everything depends on how our awareness is; just don't let it be shaken. Our awareness is the basis of all these transformations. More than ever before, time demands we remain completely ourselves. It is a very tender, delicate time for us - we should not become angry, indifferent, or sad; we should just be like an ocean. The evolutionary power is waking up.

We shake it, then leave it; then after some time shake it again. Each time a new level of purity, awakening, is added.”

~ Maharishi Mahesh Yogi

Full Moon in Hasta: Star of the Hand


Artwork from Pinterest: Tantrik period

April’s bright moon culminates Wednesday evening in the constellation of Hasta (sidereal Virgo), the Star of the Hand. This Vedic lunar mansion is ruled by Savitṛ, the life giving aspect of the Sun, is symbolized by a hand, and it’s power or shakti lies in the ability to put one’s object of desire into one’s hand. This cycle is requesting us to release that which does not belong to us, so we can magnetize that which has always been ours. 

I’ve titled April a month of New Beginnings: Self Inquiry & Celestial Healing. Eclipse season is around the corner, with the New Moon, Solar Eclipse in Aries on the 19th. Benevolent Jupiter makes his yearly transit from Pisces into Aries, where he’ll join Rahu (the North node) and Mercury retrogrades into Aries on the 21st. April is ripe with potential for deep investigation and healing. 

Just like this constellation's animal totem, the female buffalo, who embodies the energies of abundance and prayer, Hasta awakens the power to gain what you are seeking and place it in the palm of your hand. Its whole energy is about seeking and acquiring the object of your desire. For the First Nations people, buffalo was considered sacred and was a major source of sustenance — as its entire body was honored and used, right down to the fur and bones. 

Buffalo medicine reminds us to reconnect to the meaning of life and the value of peace, Hasta is about recalibration and development of our higher thinking to achieve our desires. Stay humble enough to attune with and ask higher power, Great Spirit, divinity, for assistance and to align with the frequency of gratitude for what you receive. If we could only get out of our own way, Nature has something even greater in store for us.

What would it take for you to loosen your grip, even just a little and surrender? The hand can be symbolized here by a fist that grasps, clings and is attached to controlling the outcome. From another perspective, the hand can be seen as outstretched and open, filled with creatively and refined craftsmanship… in flow and being of service.

As you hold the vision of that which you would like to manifest into fruition, realign with your intuition and higher thinking. Seek out the middle point -- neither clinging nor resisting. Get clear on who you are and where you want to go. 

What are you ready to release? to make room for what you’re magnetizing with this lunation cycle. Expect the unexpected while keeping the glass half full perspective. Lean into the changes that are presenting themselves while following your heart and sticking to your personal truth.

This full moon is also Hanumān Jayantī, a day of honoring and celebrating the embodiment of devotion, friendship and courage. 

For more personalized, in-depth guidance on how you can navigate the current celestial waters, please visit Jyotish Astrology a book a private consultation. All my Relations

"The breeze at dawn has secrets to tell you. Don't go back to sleep.”


New Moon in Uttara Bhadrapadā: The Warrior Star


Artwork by: Samādhi Collective

March’s celestial clock dials the sun and moon together on Tuesday morning, in the Vedic nakshatra of Uttarabhadrapadā उत्तरभद्रपदा (sidereal Pisces), the Warrior Star. The pressure continues to build this next week and know that there is light at the end of the tunnel. The current storm we’re moving through carries with it a sense of a victory to come. This lunation cycle is connected to fertility of both earth and sky and opens the channels to reveal wisdom gained through experience — to excavate the unconscious, harmonize universal mind and stabilize the friction we’ve been encountering.

Recent clarity ignited a desire inside and in turn, illumined a path forward. Often when we follow our heart’s desire and step into uncharted territory, we’re met with resistance, confronted with doubt and even feelings of unworthiness. As easy as it can be to turn back to our old ways, which may feel safe and appear to have less residence; a transformation from one cycle into another requires a new approach: trusting in divine protection, and that our desire is naturally in alignment. Moving forward, even though there is no guarantee, versus second guessing the outcome.

Lean into the process of breaking down and releasing limiting beliefs, stories and habits that are no longer contributing. Glimpse into any vulnerability you’re experiencing and see how you can anchor into a stronger foundation amongst that which is coming up to be revealed — this can often resemble a dark night of the soul experience. Shift your narrative and look upon any perceived flaws that may be blocking your way, as a course correction instead of an opposition. Keep a big picture perspective as you calculate your goals and actions which are aimed at success. 

This dark moon is considered to be the astronomical new year and opens an energetic doorway. March 22nd begins the auspicious nine nights devoted to the divine feminine (Spring Navarātri). This festival beckons a time to cultivate our inward journey.

 Remember that the pressure you’re experiencing now, is the precise medicine that is needed for what comes next. Very similar to the journey of the butterfly, who in the process of breaking itself free from the cocoon, develops the very muscles needed to be able to fly. When utilized to excavate deeper, these next couple of weeks can assist in harnessing the creative intelligence and infinite potential that will magnetize the next cycle to come.

For more personalized, in-depth guidance on how you can navigate the current celestial waters, please visit Jyotish Astrology to schedule a private consultation. 

All my Relations

Brene brown // “Vulnerability is not winning or losing; it's having the courage to show up and be seen when we have no control over the outcome. Vulnerability is not weakness; it's our greatest measure of courage. A lot of cheap seats in the arena are filled with people who never venture onto the floor.”

Full Moon in Pūrva Phalgunī: The Fruit of the Tree


Artwork by @hvalor

March’s bright moon lands in the predawn hours of Tuesday morning, in the Vedic lunar mansion of Pūrva Phalgunī पूर्वफल्गुनी (Leo), the Fruit of the Tree. This lunation cycle invokes a sense of heightened creativity, sexuality, desire and passion, which encourages us to express ourselves, lean into the comforts of life and to follow the joy of our heart’s desire.

The new moon a couple weeks ago in the constellation of Śatabhiṣā (Aquarius), the veiling star, set the tone for the current lunar month. A great question to meditate on, would be: What truths are being unveiled to you now that were previously unclear? As you lean a little more into your intuition and embrace all that is living through you, you may have found that perhaps life has begun to flow a little more eloquently and at the same time, whenever one moves towards that which they desire, they’re often confronted by the opposing element. This is a test of sorts, inviting us to take a deeper look at our relationship with that which “controls” us.

The star of fertility is both courageous and a visionary, like its bird medicine, the eagle. This full moon awakens within the heart, the courage to face the tests and initiations being presented to us; to rise above the mundane, to break free from walking in the shadows of our past experiences and open our eyes to a higher perspective. Pūrva Phalgunī can bring complications with our eyes, both literally and figuratively; we can become blinded to that which is right in front of us and on the flip side, when met with awareness, can take us to a heightened perspective. 

When we go for what we truly want, trauma can sweep in to meet us. The common threads I’ve witnessed coming up for many in the past couple weeks have involved feelings of grief, frustration and anger, and specifically around a certain situation in our lives that perhaps isn’t providing the very momentum we’ve been hoping for. All activity is dependent on periods of non activity. After facing worldly battles and tending to one’s duties and responsibilities, there is a period of rest, relaxation and enjoyment that follows. This period of rest is associated with Pūrva Phalgunī and is the very muse that kindles the impulse towards enlivening our creative intelligence and effortless action.

Pūrva Phalgunī reminds us that complex problems can be solved in a relaxed mood and that the practice of yoga ultimately teaches us how to be at ease in the presence of the Unknown. The deeper you go, the more you tend to the stillness within, the more dynamic and effortless your activity becomes. The Yogasūtra’s (2.47) state, that it is ‘in the relaxation of our effort and capacity to become absorbed in the infinite, that bears fruit of effortless action — action established in being or yoga (union).’ 

This full moon also marks a very special Vedic holiday known as Holi — the festival of colors. This holiday marks the beginning of Spring and celebrates the victory of good over evil — sattva (the creative force) over destruction.

The veil is lifting and we’re beginning to see the issues that have stood in our way. Now we know what needs to be done to navigate the changes that are necessary to bring about the openness and evolution that we seek. A little struggle brings with it a promise of a breakthrough to come. Don’t get caught up with what isn’t working. Continue to tend to a solid foundation and move in the direction of your heart’s desire, even if the odds appear to be wavering, don’t give up now.

For more personalized guidance on how to navigate the celestial waters, please visit Jyotish Astrology to book a consultation. ~ Love All ways // All my Relations

“To be baffled and obstructed is what engages creativity. This is the practice of poets, dreamers, and artists alike: to show up at the frontiers of uncertainty where we are met by ten thousand things. We practice there, on the verge, amateur and unprepared, at being friendly - or at least willing - towards the discomforts of our confusions. As Rumi says, ‘Sell your cleverness and buy bewilderment!’ “ -Toko-pa-Turner

New Moon in Śatabhiṣā: the Veiling Star


Photo: Pinterest

This month's dark moon ascends in the late night hours tonight, in the heart of Sidereal Aquarius, and constellation of Śatabhiṣā ( शतभिषा )  The Veiling star. This lunar mansion possesses a hundred stars, and is ruled by Varuna, the god of the night sky and the cosmic & terrestrial waters. Varuna’s duty is to make certain that all things on earth come into alignment with cosmic order and to awaken the desire within us to pierce the veil of Darkness and enter the Void.

This constellation, just like the animal ruler the horse, our civilization's first animal medicine, embodies both mystical and physical powers, which allows it to carry burdens over great distances with ease. Often the trials and tribulations experienced under the star of the divine healer are brought up to be experienced to rectify our path, to learn from that confusion and can ultimately become a vehicle for self-realization. 

Many have been brought to their knees in the past few weeks and have been reaching to define a sense of meaning to their life. Who am I? What am I doing? and where am I going? Know that you’re not alone if these questions have been preoccupying the mind. 

When circumstances in our life shift, our narrative too must pivot. Have you been gathering your sense of meaning in life from a title, relationship or belief that you have? This cycle can produce a reawakening of our vital energies that draws us away from identifying with anything on the outside and into a deeper understanding of ourselves.  

All the difficulties, triggers and apparent loss in our lives are providing us with the precise medicine that we need to dissolve the ego, and fade back into the truth of our own being — Just like, the medicine of the horse, who gifts us with the power and focus to step into the Unknown, to rest in the remembering of who we are and gain the capacity to make meaning from that place of self trust and understanding. 
Don’t take shortcuts to acquire the answers that you seek, as “diseases” birthed under Śatabhiṣā are difficult to heal and are optimized by grounding into a consistent and disciplined routine (yoga, meditation, healthy food and balanced lifestyle). Wisdom distilled and obtained during this cycle can offer great healing for yourself and assist in bringing illumination to others. 

Stay patient, compassionate, in your heart and brave enough to walk through the dissolution process. Know that this heavy medicine and profound work that is available on this earth walk, will meet with success when balanced by doses of play and joy. Clarity and a heighten sense of ambition and drive towards accomplishing your personal goals comes with months end.

If you could use assistance in navigating the current transits, please visit Vedic Astrology Consultations to book a private consultation and to read my bi-monthly blog. Know that I’m here to support you.

All my relations

Terence McKenna // “Nature loves courage. You make the commitment and nature will respond to that commitment by removing impossible obstacles. Dream the impossible dream and the world will not grind you under, it will lift you up. This is the trick. This is what all these teachers and philosophers who really counted, who really touched the alchemical gold, this is what they understood. This is the shamanic dance in the waterfall. This is how magic is done. By hurling yourself into the abyss and discovering it's a feather bed.”

Full Moon in Āśleṣā: The Clinging Star


Artwork by @mooncrab.jpg

The bright moon on Sunday morning awakens the primordial, serpent energy, bound within the constellation of Āśleṣā आश्लेषा (Cancer), The Clinging Star. Just like the coiled energy that sits dormant at the base of the spine, which yearns to merge with its beloved in the crown, Āśleṣā enlivens the curiosity to investigate deeper to unite with one’s desired outcome.

A quest which draws us to embrace balance between good and bad — the dance of our lower nature that must be won over before we can attune to our higher power. This kind of transmutation, which turns poison into medicine, very much relates to the shadow energies entwined within our ego — awaiting to be acknowledged and thus subdued, for the throne of authority to be achieved. 

What are you ready to shed? We’re moving out of Mercury retrograde's shadow period and the subtle impulses of your intuition are reawakening. Continue to distill down the wisdom and lessons that have been presenting themselves since the beginning of the year. Learn to transcend your emotional reactions and become more goal oriented, consistent and disciplined in your pursuit to establish your desired hopes and dreams. Wait out the fortnight of the waning moon before initiating those new beginnings, commitments and projects that have been awaiting you. 

All my Relations

For more in depth, personalized guidance on how to align with the current planetary cycle, please visit Vedic Astrology Consultations to book a consultation. Love all ways

Dogen Zenji // “Enlightenment is intimacy with all things.”

Artwork by Caroline Smith

  • February 5th: Full Moon Āśleṣā (Cancer) 

  • February 6th: Mercury enters Capricorn 

  • February 12: Sun enters Aquarius 

  • February 15th: Venus enters Pisces 

  • February 18th: Maha Shivaratri 

  • February 19th: New Moon Shatabhishā (Aquarius)

  • February 27th: Mercury enters Aquarius