Full Moon in Swāti: The Star of Self Actualization

Hanuman Jayantī


Artwork from Pinterest

In northern India, today marks the auspicious occasion of Hanuman Jayantī, observed on the full moon (Purnima) in the month of Chaitra. Hanuman, the son of Vāyu (the wind god) and an ardent devotee of Rāmacandra, the seventh āvatār (incarnation) of Lord Viṣṇu, is regarded as the embodiment of unwavering devotion, courage, humility, friendship, strength, and selfless service.

The full moon reaches its zenith in the heart of Tulā (Libra) Rāśī (sign) on Tuesday evening (16:49 PST | 24th 5:19am IST), in the Vedic Lunar mansion of Swāti, the Star of Self actualization. 

With this full moon comes the fruition of the seeds planted at the time of the new moon in Revati (sidereal pisces). The new moon initiated a month of self sovereignty — a time for gathering details and holding a big picture perspective for that which we yearned to call into your life. As the full moon approached, many have been feeling exhausted and thirsty to embrace a shift.

The planetary combinations have been potent as of late. Both Mercury and Venus have been orbiting near the degree of the eclipse and the gaṇḍānta (karmic knot) point, situated at the culmination of the zodiac. Mercury has stationed and is poised to resume direct motion on the 25th, while Venus shifts into Meṣa (Aries) on the 24th. Mars moved into pieces today and Jupiter, having recently entered the constellation of Kṛttikā, will transition on the 30th, taking up its abode in Vṛṣabha (Taurus).

New awareness around love and relationships begin to dawn, healing of inner and outer divisions start to mend as this lunaation cycle accentuates a balance between individual growth and harmonious partnerships, highlighting the need for diplomacy and adaptability in achieving mutual understanding and progress.

Swati has the power to “scatter like the wind” — thus, we must stay adaptable yet firmly grounded. Loosen your grip on the idea that you have control over the outcome of your actions and act from a place of balance and responsibility — neither accepting nor resisting. Move beyond the idea of accomplishment and failure, winning and losing and know that big shifts take time. 

Saturn, renowned for his measured approach and capacity for restraint, finds exaltation in the constellation of Swāti. When our thoughts and focus disperse, our energy becomes scattered and immunity diminishes. When gathered, we're unstoppable. Saturn, ruler of the pañcavāyus (five yogic breaths), encourages us to exercise control over our breath, thereby harnessing our focus (dhāraṇā) and cultivating a strong foundation and mood of devotion.

As the tides shift and the storm begins to wane, focus your energy on the projects, people, and ideas that truly matter to you. Proceed with patience and release attachment to the fruits of your efforts — become self-sovereign in your listening and lean into the unknown. Remember the timeless wisdom of Lord Krishna in the Śrīmad Bhagavad Gītā, 'Act for the sake of action alone.' Become like Lord Hanuman, who is dear to Lord Viṣṇu — immerse yourself in the attitude of heart centered devotion, humility, and selfless service.

For my bi-monthly blog posts and more personalized guidance on how to navigate the current celestial waters, please visit the link in my bio to book a one on one consultation.

All my Relations
जय श्री राम

"This is love: to fly toward a secret sky, to cause a hundred veils to fall each moment. First to let go of life. Finally, to take a step without feet." - Rumi

Full Moon in Puṣyā: The Star of Nourishment


Our first full moon of the year reaches its zenith on Thursday  (9:54am PST | 23:24 IST) in the Vedic Lunar Mansion of Puṣyā पुष्या (Cancer), the Star of Nourishment. This cycle holds the potential fulfillment and promise of the new moon in pūrvāṣāḍhā - the victory which comes through the efforts supported by the raw enegy and nourishment that awakens from one’s sādhanā - through continued purification and alignment with life-sustaining forces.

We all crave a sense of sovereignty within ourselves and furthermore yearn for belonging amongst tribe. This lunar mansion is symbolized by the milk-yielding udder of the cow, which is impartial to all that she nourishes. Without question, thought of return, or reason, the mother gives love unconditionally. If we can learn to lean into serving and showing up for others in a truly selfless way, we can begin to harness the mystical energies of this asterism.

The Shakti (power) of this nakshatra initiates the ability to harness creative and spiritual energy, which in turn provides the wisdom and abundance to nourish both the spiritual and material worlds. The wealth which we are seeking here is the spiritual energy or punya, which accumulates through tapasya and comes forward through the grace of divine guidance. Drinking from that reservior of energy helps us to direct our efforts in such a way that we’re able to protect our nervous system, our home, our country, as well as the nourishment needed to produce material abundance and not become side tracked or burnt out.

Puṣyā is one of the most favorable constellations for beginnings of all kinds (except marriage). This particular full moon holds extra blessings for engaging in spiritual practices, making significant purchases, planning important events and initiating new beginnings. 

Ground-down and get centered through breathwork, kriya, meditation, and japa (all wisdom and practices connected to Bṛhaspati - Lord of Sacred Speech). Connect with others through simple and nurturing activities, which uphold and support dhárma — such as home-cooked meals, being outdoors, moon gazing and in steeping in your spiritual practices.

For more in-depth guidance on how to navigate the current astrological energies, please visit: Jyotish Consultation

All my Relations 

Ananda Mayi Ma // Love is everlasting forgiveness. Wisdom is to see everything in relation to the whole. If you understand that everything belongs to Him, you will be free of all burdens. All sorrow comes from the sense of I and Mine. All sorrow is due to one’s keeping apart from God. When you are with Him all pain disappears. By sorrow does the Lord dispel sorrow and by adversity does he destroy adversity. When this is done he sends no more suffering, no more adversity. This must be remembered at all times.

Full Moon in Pūrvāṣāḍhā: The Invincible Star


The brightest full moon of the year will grace the constellation of Pūrvāṣāḍhā पूर्वाषाढा (sidereal Sagittarius), the Invincible Star, on Monday, July 3rd (4:35 am PDT/13:39 Spain). This lunar mansion, ruled by the deified water goddess, Apah, symbolizes the zenith of Venusian energy and holds the power to invigorate and energize one's life.

Pūrvāṣāḍhā and the Purifying Power of Water

Besides the life-giving and nurturing qualities of water, Pūrvāṣāḍhā is also associated with the purification of impurities and diseases. The water goddess is said to cleanse everything that is impure. Through the confrontation with one's own shadow, purification becomes possible. This renewal brings about rejuvenation, which sustains, energizes, and encourages growth.

Navigating Pressures and Embracing Vulnerability

Recent increased pressures have likely commanded your full attention and perhaps spurred a strong desire to improve your circumstances. This energy has required you to remain solid and strong in the face of all that has been asked of you. Perhaps there’s another area in your life that you’ve been slowly pushed towards, and it is now requesting a more intimate, vulnerable side of you to come forward.

A Time for Conscious Surrender and Change

This is not the time to give up, but rather to consciously surrender and participate with the flow of what is being given to you. Perhaps the very thing you are resisting is what you need most. Change is at the forefront. What toxins in your life need to be transmuted into a healing experience?

Inner Transformation and Healing

Participate in these changes and go through that inner transformation, that emotional difficulty that you may have been avoiding, so you can emerge on the other side where something powerful can be born out of the process. This healing has the potential to manifest as a victory which cannot be subdued and one that is worthy of the effort required.

Stepping Into Authenticity and Learning From Resistance

Tend to the evolution of your consciousness. Be willing to cleanse and shed that which distracts you from your purpose, and step fully into your authenticity. Stay curious — what are you resisting that nature is trying to teach you in this moment? Our responsibility is to do the inner work, to be willing to surrender the ego, step into vulnerability, and ultimately into the heart. Have the courage to do the hard things, and you might just surprise yourself.

Guru Purnima - Honoring the Guiding Light

The radiance of this bright moon will awaken the sacred occasion of Guru Pūrṇimā, where we honor the embodiment of grace and knowledge that illuminates our path and dispels darkness. Just as the first rays of the rising sun dispel the darkness of night, let us pay homage to the guiding light that removes the veils of ignorance and leads us towards self-realization.

All my Relations

Embark on Your Astrological Journey

If you could use some assistance in navigating what this means for you personally, please visit the link in my bio to book a private consultation. I’m delighted to offer 20% off of the first three readings booked using code SUMMERVIBES at Vedic Astrology Consultations when purchased by 7/7. All my relations 

Pierre Teilhard de Chardin // “Remain true to yourself, but move ever upward toward greater consciousness and greater love! At the summit you will find yourselves united with all those who, from every direction, have made the same ascent. For everything that rises must converge.”

The Cosmic Dance of the Sun - Welcome to Gemini Season

Artwork by Chaya Collective

What if I were to propose that, from an astronomical standpoint, we are, in fact, in Gemini season? An astronomical decree that challenges the common narrative and invites a new perspective.

Vedic Astrology and the Summer Solstice

In the sacred realm of Vedic Astrology, an ancient oracle that speaks through the enduring positions of the stars, the Sun’s annual dance from June 15th to July 16th is actually dressed in Gemini’s ethereal attire. The day on which the Sun transits from Gemini to Cancer signifies the Vedic Summer Solstice, an alternative truth that may stir your inner knowing.

Mercury in Gemini – The Cosmic Weaver's Waltz

On June 24th, Mercury (Budha), the cosmic weaver of communication, the bard of speech, and the patron of technology, chose to waltz with Gemini, embarking on a month-long sojourn in this dynamic sign. Anticipate a season of refined discourse, precision in thought, flavored with an element of playfulness. 

Celestial Alignment and Its Influence on Communication⠀⠀⠀

This celestial alignment signifies a time when ideas, akin to radiant celestial bodies, bask in newfound luminosity. You can expect communication to become both purposeful and dynamic, embodying the keen intelligence of Mercury and Gemini's mutable agility.

Unleashing Creative Expression and Dialogue⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀

This transit awakens our latent capacity for effective dialogue and creative expression. Therefore, it's the ideal season to immerse yourself in writing, public speaking, or partake in any endeavor that allows your words to dance. Immerse yourself in this energy and witness your words illuminate the universe with profound depth and exquisite articulation.

Embark on Your Astrological Journey

Intrigued by this ancient technology of Vedic astrology? Ready to explore the depths of your unique celestial map? Schedule your personal astrology reading with me today via the link in my bio and discover the magic written in the stars. 

Full Moon in Pūrva Phalgunī: The Fruit of the Tree


Artwork by @hvalor

March’s bright moon lands in the predawn hours of Tuesday morning, in the Vedic lunar mansion of Pūrva Phalgunī पूर्वफल्गुनी (Leo), the Fruit of the Tree. This lunation cycle invokes a sense of heightened creativity, sexuality, desire and passion, which encourages us to express ourselves, lean into the comforts of life and to follow the joy of our heart’s desire.

The new moon a couple weeks ago in the constellation of Śatabhiṣā (Aquarius), the veiling star, set the tone for the current lunar month. A great question to meditate on, would be: What truths are being unveiled to you now that were previously unclear? As you lean a little more into your intuition and embrace all that is living through you, you may have found that perhaps life has begun to flow a little more eloquently and at the same time, whenever one moves towards that which they desire, they’re often confronted by the opposing element. This is a test of sorts, inviting us to take a deeper look at our relationship with that which “controls” us.

The star of fertility is both courageous and a visionary, like its bird medicine, the eagle. This full moon awakens within the heart, the courage to face the tests and initiations being presented to us; to rise above the mundane, to break free from walking in the shadows of our past experiences and open our eyes to a higher perspective. Pūrva Phalgunī can bring complications with our eyes, both literally and figuratively; we can become blinded to that which is right in front of us and on the flip side, when met with awareness, can take us to a heightened perspective. 

When we go for what we truly want, trauma can sweep in to meet us. The common threads I’ve witnessed coming up for many in the past couple weeks have involved feelings of grief, frustration and anger, and specifically around a certain situation in our lives that perhaps isn’t providing the very momentum we’ve been hoping for. All activity is dependent on periods of non activity. After facing worldly battles and tending to one’s duties and responsibilities, there is a period of rest, relaxation and enjoyment that follows. This period of rest is associated with Pūrva Phalgunī and is the very muse that kindles the impulse towards enlivening our creative intelligence and effortless action.

Pūrva Phalgunī reminds us that complex problems can be solved in a relaxed mood and that the practice of yoga ultimately teaches us how to be at ease in the presence of the Unknown. The deeper you go, the more you tend to the stillness within, the more dynamic and effortless your activity becomes. The Yogasūtra’s (2.47) state, that it is ‘in the relaxation of our effort and capacity to become absorbed in the infinite, that bears fruit of effortless action — action established in being or yoga (union).’ 

This full moon also marks a very special Vedic holiday known as Holi — the festival of colors. This holiday marks the beginning of Spring and celebrates the victory of good over evil — sattva (the creative force) over destruction.

The veil is lifting and we’re beginning to see the issues that have stood in our way. Now we know what needs to be done to navigate the changes that are necessary to bring about the openness and evolution that we seek. A little struggle brings with it a promise of a breakthrough to come. Don’t get caught up with what isn’t working. Continue to tend to a solid foundation and move in the direction of your heart’s desire, even if the odds appear to be wavering, don’t give up now.

For more personalized guidance on how to navigate the celestial waters, please visit Jyotish Astrology to book a consultation. ~ Love All ways // All my Relations

“To be baffled and obstructed is what engages creativity. This is the practice of poets, dreamers, and artists alike: to show up at the frontiers of uncertainty where we are met by ten thousand things. We practice there, on the verge, amateur and unprepared, at being friendly - or at least willing - towards the discomforts of our confusions. As Rumi says, ‘Sell your cleverness and buy bewilderment!’ “ -Toko-pa-Turner

Full Moon in Āśleṣā: The Clinging Star


Artwork by @mooncrab.jpg

The bright moon on Sunday morning awakens the primordial, serpent energy, bound within the constellation of Āśleṣā आश्लेषा (Cancer), The Clinging Star. Just like the coiled energy that sits dormant at the base of the spine, which yearns to merge with its beloved in the crown, Āśleṣā enlivens the curiosity to investigate deeper to unite with one’s desired outcome.

A quest which draws us to embrace balance between good and bad — the dance of our lower nature that must be won over before we can attune to our higher power. This kind of transmutation, which turns poison into medicine, very much relates to the shadow energies entwined within our ego — awaiting to be acknowledged and thus subdued, for the throne of authority to be achieved. 

What are you ready to shed? We’re moving out of Mercury retrograde's shadow period and the subtle impulses of your intuition are reawakening. Continue to distill down the wisdom and lessons that have been presenting themselves since the beginning of the year. Learn to transcend your emotional reactions and become more goal oriented, consistent and disciplined in your pursuit to establish your desired hopes and dreams. Wait out the fortnight of the waning moon before initiating those new beginnings, commitments and projects that have been awaiting you. 

All my Relations

For more in depth, personalized guidance on how to align with the current planetary cycle, please visit Vedic Astrology Consultations to book a consultation. Love all ways

Dogen Zenji // “Enlightenment is intimacy with all things.”

Artwork by Caroline Smith

  • February 5th: Full Moon Āśleṣā (Cancer) 

  • February 6th: Mercury enters Capricorn 

  • February 12: Sun enters Aquarius 

  • February 15th: Venus enters Pisces 

  • February 18th: Maha Shivaratri 

  • February 19th: New Moon Shatabhishā (Aquarius)

  • February 27th: Mercury enters Aquarius